Saturday, December 24, 2011

To Be or not to be

Nothing says "untouched by editorial expertise" like lowercase "to be" verbs in cap/lowercase text.

You see this error everywhere. High:

BroadBig Industries is a Rising Star, Market Experts Say

And low:

Your Septic Needs are Our Business. Call Kleen-N-Fast Now!

An easy Boy Scout badge to earn, it's nonetheless an oft-ignored one. All short words are not created equal. Conjunctions ("and," "but," "yet") and short prepositions ("in," "of," "with") get the lowercase treatment. Short verbs do not.

When you cap a "to be" verb in a cap/lc setting, you shine a bright, reassuring, can-do light. This is true for editors, obviously, who are paid to get every detail right. But, more important, it's true for companies who produce print or electronic materials of any kind.

You look smart. And, as every marketeer knows, it is far, far better to look smart than to be smart.

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